Nature's Little Gem

Nature's Little Gem

Saturday, April 17, 2021


We (Jeff and I) are finding this book to be amazing!!! Caring for your soul is so important — now maybe more so than any other time. John Eldridge talks about restoration vs. relief and relishing in Beauty - the beauty that is found all around us in order to find restoration. He says, and I quote, “That’s it — beauty reaches. It rescues because it is merciful, comforting. It heals, restores, revives, renews. reassures. Beauty reassures us that goodness is still real in the world, more real than harm or scarcity or evil. Beauty reassures us of abundance, especially that God is absolutely abundant in goodness and in begins to minister to us — a good, deep soul-sigh. “
~ John Eldridge

“Get Your Life Back” is a wonderful, eye-opening book. I have been tempted to take my highlighter pen and highlight just about every word John has written. I feel myself letting go of the things that have been weighing me down and practicing the life-affirming tenants shared in his writing. I LOVE IT!!!
You will learn about the “One Minute Pause” and how to truly give “everything and everyone to God.” That’s the icing on the cake. Everything in between goes deep down to your heart, giving you a chance to revive your soul.

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