Nature's Little Gem

Nature's Little Gem

Saturday, April 17, 2021


This book was an absolute delight! Written by Sam Heughan and Graham McTavish, with a foreword written by the incomparable Diana Gabaldon, this book takes you on an unforgettable journey through the Highlands of Scotland. It is told with humor and passion and I was literally laughing out loud at some of the passages. Sam and Graham have forged an amazing bond of friendship through their shared experiences on the set of the hit TV show, Outlander (my all time favorite series ever, I might add) and the incredible journey they shared traversing the Scottish Highlands. They met quite a cast of real life Clan Chiefs, historians and real life Scots who shared the history and stories of Scotland with them. I felt as if I, too, were in Scotland, bumping along in their camper van awaiting the next stop on the journey. The historical information supplied by Sam and Graham was enlightening and was told in such a way as to draw you in with interjections of humor and modern day perspectives. Oh how I wish I had them to teach me history as a kid. I would have been so engaged.
I thought it appropriate to take the photo of this amazing book on a scarf that is the ‘Lindsay’ plaid, as my husband’s family heritage is Scottish. After watching Outlander, and having read this book, I have a deep desire to see Scotland myself. I recently found out that I have Irish and Welsh in my family heritage and find it interesting, after reading this book, that thousands of Scots emigrated to Ireland, England, and the Americas. My newly found Irish heritage may just have Scottish blood due to emigration back in the 1700 and 1800s. I’m interested in finding out more.
If you enjoy reading about history, you will love this book. If you dream of visiting Scotland, you will love this book. If you enjoy a good book full of friendship, adventures and misadventures, humor and passion, you will love this book.
Thanks to Sam Heughan and Graham McTavish for bringing the history of the Highland people alive for me.

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