Nature's Little Gem

Nature's Little Gem

Saturday, April 17, 2021


My photo of this beautiful book does not do it justice. Neither will my sentiments as I find it challenging to sum up the incredible depth and immense beauty of this book. I listened to this book, narrated by its author, Jenna Bush Hager, a well as reading the book. Most of you know Jenna as the daughter and granddaughter of two former presidents, George W. Bush, her father and his father, George Bush, Jenna’s grandfather,”Gampy.” Jenna shares with such transparency, exquisite truthfulness, love and poignancy her many special memories of her family and growing up with loving parents, grandparents, and family. I felt as if I were welcomed into her inner circle of trusted friends and family. She is so warm, and giving in her writing and the stories revealed a woman strengthened by the love and support of her family.
You know the saying, “you can’t judge a book by its cover?” Jenna’s story is so different than I expected - I am ashamed to admit that I had a certain reality in my mind about her and her family that just did not even come close to the truth of the stories she shared in her memoir. This is an incredible read and one that I will long remember as a favorite of mine.

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