Nature's Little Gem

Nature's Little Gem

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Do Not Be Anxious

This beautiful image captures the Scripture verse from Matthew 6:34, which is a great reminder that God will take care of our day.  He will take care of our night. And He will take care of all the in-betweens! Why does God tell us to not be anxious for tomorrow, that tomorrow will be anxious for itself?  It is so that we rely on Him to guide and direct our steps throughout each moment of our lives - each moment of our day, each moment of our night, and each moment in-between! If we do that, then how can we be anxious?  How can I be anxious?

I wrestle with this question on a daily basis!  Giving my anxiety and worry to God seems somehow irreverent, like, God is way to busy with "Bigger" things than to take on my seemingly insignificant worries and anxieties. At least that is what I tell myself fairly consistently.  "This is silly," I say to myself.  "I should be able to just get over these crazy, non-consequential, inane thoughts..." But this is wrong, friends.  God does want to hear it all!  He wants us to bring it all to Him - "the good, the bad, and the ugly," as the saying goes. God can handle my worst thoughts and He can handle when I am sad, when I am angry, when I am disillusioned, when I am defeated, and when I want to give up.  He can handle your thoughts, too.  

I am a woman of strong faith.  I love the Lord and I believe that Jesus Christ is my Rock, my Shelter, my Fortress, my Shield, and my Protector.  He is "The Way, the Truth, and the Life!" I believe these things, yet in my weaknesses, I am overcome with doubts and I forget to truly trust that this is the core of my faith.  Trusting in HIM, knowing that He is the Messiah, the King, the Son of God trumps my unbelief! There is a Scripture verse that says, "God help my unbelief.." I sure do need God's help in this department! But I have to remember that  there is nothing this side of Heaven that can stand between me and my God through the love of Jesus Christ that was poured out on the cross.  Jesus died for me and He died for you! John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, will not perish, but have everlasting life." This is the greatest gift we could ever have been given.  

So when life threatens to engulf me with the "what-ifs and "what-nows" I can confidently look to my Lord and Savior and trust in Him and His love for me.  You can trust in His love for you, too!  He died on the cross for you and me, so that this world does not have the last say.  We are not held captive to the brokenness of this world and the sin that rages all around us.  No!  Jesus died so that we may live!  Hold on to that hope, my friends!  Give it ALL to Him - to your loving Savior. Anxiety and worry have no victory in the arms of Jesus!!

Jesus loves you!  Keep looking up!

Phil. 4:6-7

 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Saturday, April 17, 2021


We (Jeff and I) are finding this book to be amazing!!! Caring for your soul is so important — now maybe more so than any other time. John Eldridge talks about restoration vs. relief and relishing in Beauty - the beauty that is found all around us in order to find restoration. He says, and I quote, “That’s it — beauty reaches. It rescues because it is merciful, comforting. It heals, restores, revives, renews. reassures. Beauty reassures us that goodness is still real in the world, more real than harm or scarcity or evil. Beauty reassures us of abundance, especially that God is absolutely abundant in goodness and in begins to minister to us — a good, deep soul-sigh. “
~ John Eldridge

“Get Your Life Back” is a wonderful, eye-opening book. I have been tempted to take my highlighter pen and highlight just about every word John has written. I feel myself letting go of the things that have been weighing me down and practicing the life-affirming tenants shared in his writing. I LOVE IT!!!
You will learn about the “One Minute Pause” and how to truly give “everything and everyone to God.” That’s the icing on the cake. Everything in between goes deep down to your heart, giving you a chance to revive your soul.


I have completely fallen in love with “Flash” the little donkey in this amazing book. Each chapter touches on some funny, warm, poignant little tidbit of wonderful, uplifting advice. It shows us how to live this crazy thing we call life to its fullest despite the hectic and sometimes crazy times we experience. Rachel Anne’s journey with her rescued Donkey, Flash, is funny, uplifting, real and honest. Her writing style is a delight. I just want to keep turning the page to see what happens next. Rachel intertwines how God shows up and reveals Himself in the most unexpected and amazing ways. I love this book! It’s a wonderful read and so worth adding to your collection of favorite books. It is definitely one of mine.

Cindy Owen of Given Entertainment Group wrote, “Bravo to Rachel Ridge for this beautifully written book that so eloquently reminds us that our everyday happenings in life can be great lessons and blessings in disguise from our Maker —even in the form of a donkey! Two things you will want when you turn the last page are a donkey in your yard and Rachel as one of your besties!”



This book was an absolute delight! Written by Sam Heughan and Graham McTavish, with a foreword written by the incomparable Diana Gabaldon, this book takes you on an unforgettable journey through the Highlands of Scotland. It is told with humor and passion and I was literally laughing out loud at some of the passages. Sam and Graham have forged an amazing bond of friendship through their shared experiences on the set of the hit TV show, Outlander (my all time favorite series ever, I might add) and the incredible journey they shared traversing the Scottish Highlands. They met quite a cast of real life Clan Chiefs, historians and real life Scots who shared the history and stories of Scotland with them. I felt as if I, too, were in Scotland, bumping along in their camper van awaiting the next stop on the journey. The historical information supplied by Sam and Graham was enlightening and was told in such a way as to draw you in with interjections of humor and modern day perspectives. Oh how I wish I had them to teach me history as a kid. I would have been so engaged.
I thought it appropriate to take the photo of this amazing book on a scarf that is the ‘Lindsay’ plaid, as my husband’s family heritage is Scottish. After watching Outlander, and having read this book, I have a deep desire to see Scotland myself. I recently found out that I have Irish and Welsh in my family heritage and find it interesting, after reading this book, that thousands of Scots emigrated to Ireland, England, and the Americas. My newly found Irish heritage may just have Scottish blood due to emigration back in the 1700 and 1800s. I’m interested in finding out more.
If you enjoy reading about history, you will love this book. If you dream of visiting Scotland, you will love this book. If you enjoy a good book full of friendship, adventures and misadventures, humor and passion, you will love this book.
Thanks to Sam Heughan and Graham McTavish for bringing the history of the Highland people alive for me.


πŸ’I just finished this beautiful memoir by Julie Andrews. I am simply awed by her authenticity and generosity of spirit in the writing of her book, “Home Work.” I decided to listen to the book for most of it as it is narrated by Julie herself. The soft lyrical sway of her voice captured my heart and I was quickly engulfed in the narrative of her Hollywood Years. Her life is surprisingly “normal” in terms of her incredible star status and I am left more in awe of her than I was before reading her book. I have always loved the movie Mary Poppins and Julie shared some extraordinary stories and behind the scenes secrets that made the movie simply magical by Walt Disney standards. I was enthralled. When she played Maria VonTrap in “The Sound of Music” I dreamed of being her on top of that mountain singing “The Hills are Alive.” (Of course no one can sing it like Julie Andrews!!) I learned so much about her career apart from those two iconic movies that left me awed and inspired. I found the book fascinating and her storytelling engaging and almost mesmerizing. I have a new found admiration for Julie Andrews that goes far beyond my childhood infatuation. Julie Andrews is not only an incredibly talented performer, singer, and author, she is an attentive, giving, loyal, encouraging, supportive, and loving mother, spouse, daughter, grandmother, sister, and a beautiful human being. I highly recommend this lovely, sincere, sweet, heartfelt book. You will be glad that you spent time getting better acquainted with Dame Julie Andrews as she takes you on a surprising and fulfilling look into her adventures of stardom, motherhood, and the joys and sorrows that bind us all together.


My photo of this beautiful book does not do it justice. Neither will my sentiments as I find it challenging to sum up the incredible depth and immense beauty of this book. I listened to this book, narrated by its author, Jenna Bush Hager, a well as reading the book. Most of you know Jenna as the daughter and granddaughter of two former presidents, George W. Bush, her father and his father, George Bush, Jenna’s grandfather,”Gampy.” Jenna shares with such transparency, exquisite truthfulness, love and poignancy her many special memories of her family and growing up with loving parents, grandparents, and family. I felt as if I were welcomed into her inner circle of trusted friends and family. She is so warm, and giving in her writing and the stories revealed a woman strengthened by the love and support of her family.
You know the saying, “you can’t judge a book by its cover?” Jenna’s story is so different than I expected - I am ashamed to admit that I had a certain reality in my mind about her and her family that just did not even come close to the truth of the stories she shared in her memoir. This is an incredible read and one that I will long remember as a favorite of mine.


Isn’t this the most beautiful cover? I must admit to being drawn in by gorgeous artwork on the cover of a book. I was also taken in by the inviting story of “The Summer of Second Chances” by Andrea Hurst. The cover got me hooked but the story had me hook, line and sinker for it is every bit as beautiful in the storytelling as the cover is beautiful to look at.

This book has fast become one of my favorites for the lovely way it interweaves themes of love, friendship, hope, family and redemption. Each page I turned made me feel as if I were transported to the idyllic town of Moonwater Lake and that I, too, had become a neighbor, friend, confidant, and special character alongside Shelby, Alice, Theo, Wally, Logan, Trevor and a host of others. They all started to feel like family and I couldn’t wait to finish each chapter so I could find out what would happen in the next. This book is the perfect “feel-good” book and will give your mind, heart and soul a much needed respite from the difficult realities we are living through. It is the perfect escape. Winter is a challenging season for me personally, so just the title alone, grabbed my attention for I could dream about summer, sunnier days, and warmer temperatures. I wanted to be sitting on the front porch (like the cover) drinking lemonade and reading or visiting with my neighbors and enjoying one of Alice’s delicious baked treats. 

This book was simply delightful! If you enjoy stories that highlight everything that is good, everything right, everything wholesome, full of interesting characters, dogs, (did I mention dogs - anyone who loves dogs will be thrilled) and beautiful story telling, this is the book for you. Thank you, Andrea for your heartwarming story that I will long cherish. I can’t wait to read your other books!


🎧I just spent an hour listening to this beautiful book by Charlie Mackesy. To say that this story is touching and lovely is an understatement. It is moving and heart-touching and soul stirring. It is a story of friendship and love and the conquering belief in seeing the good in humanity, oneself and others. I can understand how this book won Barnes & Noble’s Book of the Year award for 2019.

A couple of my favorite quotes from the book:

🌟”What's your best discovery?” asked the mole. “That I'm enough as I am,” said the boy. “I'm so small,” said the mole. “Yes,” said the boy, “but you make a huge difference.”

🌟”What do we do when our hearts hurt?" asked the boy. "We wrap them with friendship, shared tears and time, till they wake hopeful and happy again.”


πŸ”ΉPeople Magazine calls it “Enchanting.” Publisher’s Weekly said, “Brackston wonderfully blends history with the time-travel elements and a touch of romance...A page-turner.”
πŸ”ΉI found it charming and full of characters I fell in love with. This story will long stay with me. It is a definite new favorite addition to my book shelf.
πŸ”ΉXanthe and her mother, Flora embark on a new adventure - opening a quaint little antiques shop in the inviting and welcoming town of Marlborough. Their new neighbors and fellow business owners extend to them welcoming hands of friendship and Xanthe and her mother begin to establish solid relationships with their new friends. The cast of characters move the story forward in an engaging manner and I was soon swept up into the intricacies of the intertwining of the past and the present. The time travel element was both eerie and supportive of the scope and magnitude of what the main character, Xanthe, must accomplish - even against a backdrop of seemingly impossible odds.
πŸ”ΉAs I turned each page, I found myself drawn more and more to how the story would resolve, hoping that it would be a happy resolution to a complicated and surprising storyline. There is history, romance and strong friendships, making this book an unforgettable one.


We lost a great light and colorful performer and lovable, sweet and kind man the day that Robin Williams passed away. My growing up years through Middle School, High School and College include fond memories of watching Robin Williams’ movies and shows. It started with Mork and Mindy - yes, I proudly sported the rainbow suspenders and big combs that peeked out from our highly fashionable bell bottom pants that fondly said, “Nanu, nanu....!” Mrs. Doubtfire will Forever be a favorite as will Hook, Good Mornjng Vietnam, Dead Poets Society, Good Will Hunting and so many others. We all can quote movie lines from any one of his amazing movies - “it’s all about a girl...,” “Carpe Diem....,” and “it’s not your fault...!”
Robin was brilliant! He had a way of giving us joy through his comedic genius and incredible energy.
Robin was an intelligent, highly educated man who learned his craft through his effervescent imagination and love of laughter.
This book is promising to enlighten and inspire.
I miss you, Robin Williams.

Friday, April 16, 2021

"Grandma Gatewood's Walk" by Ben Montgomery

Emma Gatewood, fondly known as, "Grandma Gatewood" hiked the Appalachian Trail not once, not twice, but THREE times!  With nothing but a hand-sewn denim pack in which she carried raisins, peanuts, powdered milk, vienna sausages, bouillon cubes, a pocket knife, some drinking water, mints, and her pen and notebook, Emma set off to hike the 2,000 plus mile hike from Georgia to Maine.  She had seen an article on the Trail and "couldn't get it out of her head," she was reported to have said.  So she set out, telling her children, "she was going for a walk." 


Along her arduous and at times, "tricky and treacherous" hike, Emma encountered all kinds of wildlife including bears, deer, porcupines, field mice, and a rattlesnake that struck her leg.  Thankfully, the snake bite did not penetrate her dungarees. She also had run-ins with wild dogs, a plethora of bugs, was plagued by sore knees and huge bunions and she encountered all kinds of inclement weather.  She had later added a shower curtain, flashlight, slippers, Vicks Vapor Rub, iodine, and a warm coat to her supplies, but nothing would keep out the cold and wet when the weather was bad. She went through seven pairs of Keds sneakers by the time she reached the summit of Mt. Katahdin, Maine. At the top, she sang the first verse of America the Beautiful and soaked in the beauty of the mountain peak.


Emma met a lot of interesting people along her hike.  Many generous people offered her shelter and a warm meal and water along the way.  She had found that many parts of the trail were washed out, overgrown, not marked and the shelters either too run down, dirty, burned out, or non-existent. Her celebrity brought much needed attention to the necessity for repair and upkeep and it gained national publicity and the long overdue attention it needed.


As her story reached more and more news reporters, she became an instant celebrity and was called "the most celebrated pedestrian." Reporters would meet her along the trail and ask, "Mrs. Gatewood, why did you decide to hike the trail?" She would simply rely, "I thought it would be a nice lark." 


Emma was a mother of 11 and grandmother of 23. She was hard-working from a young age, helping to run a farm, raise a large family, and deal with the ongoing abuse at the hands of her husband.  All that she endured in her life apart from her success on the Trail, spoke to her inner strength and the belief that she could overcome anything.


My words on this incredible story of this AMAZING woman cannot possibly do her story justice.  All I can say is this book, by Ben Montgomery was an absolute delight!  At a time where I am craving uplifting and inspiring reads, I found this book and Emma's story to be just what I needed!  Not only did she astound people by being the first woman thru hiker to hike the Appalachian Trail alone, she also traversed the Oregon trail, as well, and she was the young age of 71! Can it be that the resounding message of her story should be "we are not limited by our age, but what we tell ourselves we can or can't do?" Emma Gatewood is a true heroine and an inspiration to all who know of her courage, determination, grit, and go-getter attitude. Her story will not long be forgotten by me! I encourage you to read it! Enjoy!


