Nature's Little Gem

Nature's Little Gem

Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Bounty of Happiness

My Hubby sweetly asked me to accompany him in gathering wild blackberries this morning. This daily jaunt around our acreage brings an instant smile to his face, as he sets off in search of his "bounty," as he likes to call it. The first time he and the kids had picked berries from our property, he came in proudly displaying a huge bowl of the prized fruit and excitedly exclaimed, " Look at my BOUNTY........!!!!" It makes me giggle every time I think of it. I picture him like a cave-man of sorts, pounding on his chest, as he brings home the food of the land...the family bounty..."me provider, me get food for family...!" 

Clad in a favorite, worn-in tee-shirt, shorts and his extra-tall, camo muck boots, home-made walking stick in hand, he sets off to find the ripest berries. He claims this time outside, enjoying our property, listening to the birds singing, the bees buzzing, dragon-flies gliding by, to be so relaxing.  Our puppy, Crosby, tags along, as well. In fact, he has become quite accustomed to berry picking time; his little ears perk up at the mere mention of bounty hunting. 

I, too, enjoyed the hunt.  We found about a cup and a half of beautiful, ripe blackberries - so sweet they don't even need sugar. (I  might just whip up some delicious blackberry dessert for later!)

In these moments of happy bounty hunting, I will continue to "Look Up!"

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