Nature's Little Gem

Nature's Little Gem

Monday, July 18, 2011

I Don't Wanna

How many times have we all said, "I don't want to" (I don't wanna....!)??? I know I have said that about so many things - I don't want to study, I don't want to do laundry, clean the house, apply for that job, wash the car, pay bills, rake leaves, prepare for work, meet with my boss, run errands.....etc., etc., etc., you get the idea.  Remember all those, I don't wannas? Somehow all those "I don't want tos"  have a way of creeping into our daily living.  I just want to turn on the mute button sometimes!  The latest "I don't want to" has been a hard one to tackle.  My daughter is attending an all day basketball camp.  It's very intense and has been very hard.  My daughter is exhausted and feeling frustrated at the length of the camp.  In tears the whole way home last night, she just kept repeating, "I don't want to [go back]." My heart just broke for her.  Obviously, we signed her up with all the best intentions - that she would have an amazing time, learn the game of basketball, meet some new friends, and have fun.  She is usually my little go-getter, so her reluctance has been a huge surprise.  As a mom, I had to really dig deep for encouraging words that would inspire her and make her see that camp IS absolutely fantastic!  My head said, all the right things, but my heart wanted to scoop her up and say, "It's o.k., my darling don't have to go more tears.....there, there!" But there is a much bigger lesson here that I know will be so important for her as she grows up.  Things aren't always easy. Things can be hard and things can be difficult, but we must face our challenges head-on, for on the other side of the challenge is accomplishment, perseverance, and strength.  She will learn that she CAN do it! Not only will she be a better basketball player, she will be stronger girl for it! She went off to camp feeling tired, but at least she hadn't given up. Her strength and perseverance are shining through.

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