Nature's Little Gem

Nature's Little Gem

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Overcoming Challenges

I came across this video of Tony Melendez when I was a Youth Director.  I was astounded by what Tony has done with his life.  Born with no arms, Tony did not allow his disability to stop him from using his gift of music.  Wait to you hear him play!  He reminds me that life is what you choose to make of it. I think, how can I even complain about my life, on days when it seems like life is handing me a ton of stumbling blocks, when I listen to this man play the guitar with his feet......I feel almost ashamed that I could even dare to complain when I am so blessed.  Tony Melendez has turned his disability into a way to praise and rejoice and share joy with countless people all over the world. His disability was not an excuse to do nothing with his life or sit back and let life pass him by.  He was driven to use his gift and his love of music.  It is incredible how he uses his feet so skillfully and with such beauty, agility, and grace.  I find him to be a true "gem" of inspiration! Enjoy!

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