Nature's Little Gem

Nature's Little Gem

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Motherhood Gem

Motherhood has been one of the greatest gifts I have been given.  I consider it a blessing and an honor to be a mom.  It is my greatest role, and one I cherish.  It is one of the "gems" of my life.  A very dear friend shared this little gem, explaining that it had hung prominently on her bedroom wall until her kids were grown and living on their own.  She surprised me one evening, at a scrap-booking gathering as she proudly presented me with the treasured, "How to Be a Mean Mother" plaque.  The saying is actually  printed on a piece of wallpaper border, with bits of lace, silk roses, and ribbon glued to it. (Aren't the simplest things, the most treasured??) Here are the words for you to enjoy:

How to Be A Mean Mother

A Mean Mother
never allows candy or sweets to take the place
of a well-balanced meal.
A Mean Mother
insists on knowing where her children are at all times,
who their friends are and what they do.
A Mean Mother
breaks the Child Labor Law by making her children
work - washing dishes, making beds, learning to cook and
doing other cruel and unpleasant chores.
A Mean Mother
makes life miserable for her offspring by insisting that 
they always tell the truth.
A Mean Mother
produces teenagers who are wiser and more sensible.
A Mean Mother
can smile with secret delight and pride when she hears
her own grandchildren call their parents "mean".
What the world needs now is more
Mean Mothers ~ and Fathers!
Author Unknown

"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he 
is old he will not turn from it."
Proverbs 22:6

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