Nature's Little Gem

Nature's Little Gem

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Looking Up

This year has been really tough. It just seems to be getting tougher, too. You know that list of the Top 10 Stressors? I think we have hit them all in the last few years. Job change, job loss, relocation, death of a loved one, serious illness of loved one, financial stress, etc. Those are just a few. That is one of the reasons I decided to start this blog. It seemed that I had a choice to make - I could either wallow in my despair and focus on all the things I perceived as negatives, or "Look Up" and focus on things, ideas, people, sayings, music, books, favorite activities - all those things that are positive and uplifting, and in turn, "look up." 
  Looking Up goes deeper than just finding the positive, too.  It's about falling into the arms of Jesus, "looking up" to Him for strength, comfort, guidance, and His constant reassurance of acceptance and love. It is so hard to give it all to Christ and trust that He has it all in His control. So I started getting into Scripture and the Word, daily, so that I'd find the strength I need to get through the day. Looking Up is looking up to Him, as well as looking up in a positive manner.  I have found the more I focus on Him and His love, the more I can let go of the things that are pulling me down.  It's an amazing feeling.  I still struggle, and it's not easy, but it certainly is easier when you rely on your faith and have hope in the  future. One of my all time favorite verses is Jeremiah 29:11 that says, For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." I had to decide to really practice what I preach, so-to-speak, and put all of my faith in Jesus when it has been very tempting to just question, "Why????, Lord? I don't understand.....and turn away in anger.  I know God can handle my questioning and He can handle my doubts and insecurities.  I just have to communicate those things to Him in daily, constant prayer.  I learned this year that prayer can be considered a constant awareness of God. (Max Lucado in Come Thirsty) I am certainly aware of God's goodness and His incredible and beautiful creation. I am thankful for the many blessings I have received and hope to always reflect His love in how I love and in my relationships. So, for this day, this hour, this moment, I will Look UP!

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