Nature's Little Gem

Nature's Little Gem

Friday, July 22, 2011

Humor Me

Laughter. Oh the joy of a good laugh!  That feeling that starts somewhere in your belly and bubbles forth with loud guffaws, gasps for breath, that bent-over-'cause you can't breathe feeling from laughing so hard you have to hold your stomach. That feels good.  Laughter is good medicine as they say - good medicine for what ails you!  I'd love to go into the Doctor's office and request a prescription for laughter. The script would read, "Take a healthy dose, at least 4-6 times daily, or as needed." That would be great. Laughter, the cure-all of cure-alls.

What makes me laugh? I have to admit that lately it takes quite a lot, but if I really think about it, my first response would have to be my kids. They can brighten my day just by seeing their cute little smiles. My daughter comes up with some very funny quips, completely out of the blue, that just crack me up. And my son, who is busy navigating his way through "teenager-dom" has recently started to repeat everything I say until I'm laughing at him, completely having forgotten what it was I was saying to him. So much for all goes out the window when your parenting lecture #No whatever turns into a good belly laugh! Oh well, it could be worse.

My puppy, whom we have fondly nicknamed, "No Brakes" can surely make me laugh. He gets to running so fast after his beloved Frisbee or stick that he veers out of control, almost doing doggy gymnastics to retrieve his toy. It's quite comical. He's just the cutest dog in the universe, anyway, so watching him tumbling through the grass is always good for a laugh.

So today, I'm hoping to bring on the belly laughs, the giggles, the guffaws, the chuckles, and the chortles. Bring it on! In your face stress! Take that life's challenges! Look out...I feel a good laugh coming on!

Charlie Chaplin said, A day without laughter is a day wasted. Here's to Looking Up today and finding lots of opportunities to laugh!

What makes you laugh? 

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