Nature's Little Gem

Nature's Little Gem

Monday, August 1, 2011


Your differences are what make you special!

I found myself replying to a dear friend's post on Face Book this morning with these words: "NEVER fear making mistakes! A sculptor can't turn a lump of clay into a thing of beauty without kneading and molding the clay first!!!!!! You are a fantastic, glorious work in progress! Don't run from the fires of the forge - it makes the strongest steel!!!" I started thinking about the words I chose and how I really need to heed my own advise. Gosh, making mistakes is how we grow. I read a great quote that says, "the only real mistake is never making any!" I love that! I have made so mistakes that I wouldn't even be able to list them here - I'd run out of room. The verdict is still out as to whether the outcome of these mistakes has been for the better (lol), but I do know that the things in life that cause us the most challenge are the tings that we are supposed to gain something from - something that could perhaps help someone else who is experiencing the same trial, or perhaps help us gain a new perspective or attitude. I love how something as simple as an attitude adjustment can make you see something so completely differently. Changing perspective - "Looking Up," in my case. Sometimes you just have to continue to "LOOK UP!" So, today, I will seek to change my perspective, and have an attitude adjustment of sorts. Today, I will Look Up! That same friend to whom I replied this morning also led me to another awesome quote by Audrey Hepburn: "NOTHING is impossible. The very word says I'm possible." 

Have a great week of possibilities, new perspectives, growth from mistakes and maybe you, too, will gain a new attitude toward what makes you stronger - the forging of the steel! Here's to Looking Up!     

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