Nature's Little Gem

Nature's Little Gem

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

If It Weren't for You, I'd be Looking Upside Down

If you are "Looking Upside Down" a friend!!! Friends are the BEST cure for a state of gloominess!  (Emerald Gem #no. whatever...) Yesterday I received a much needed surprise phone call from a dear friend. We hadn't talked forever. It was so great to hear her voice. We laughed and talked and caught up - and laughed and talked some more. The time flew by as we shared funny stories, cherished memories, talked about our kids, our hubbies, our interests, church - you name it, we talked about it. It was so good to just laugh out loud - I mean a good belly laugh - the kind that leaves you breathless, almost. My friend got me laughing so hard as she described her crazy neighbor who runs around in her bra. The other day,  my friend went to buy fresh eggs from the bra lady. She was greeted at the door by her neighbor who was wearing nothing less than her bra and shorts. The bra lady greeted her warmly, expressing, "Oh come on in........." like it was nothing that she was standing there at the front door in her bra. I might add that she is quite "amply bosomed" as my friend described. I was rolling in laughter. I don't know why, but it struck me so funny in that moment. My friend's laughter is really contagious, too. If you heard her laugh you would not be able to stop yourself from joining in. We ended our conversation by promising to call each other more often. That was fun!

Friendship is truly uplifting! One of my favorite sayings is "A true friend is one who knows everything there is about you, and loves you anyway!" I started my day off yesterday feeling rather upside down, and got right back to "looking up" after my wonderful phone call with my friend. Here's to friendship and "Looking UP!"

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