Nature's Little Gem

Nature's Little Gem

Sunday, August 7, 2011

His Calling

This past March, I had the lovely opportunity to spend some very much needed time in the beautiful Amelia Island in Florida. It was four days of being surrounded by the beauty of the Island and the beauty of friendship. Three very special girlfriends and I shared laughter, walks on the beach, hugs, stories, shared memories, and peaceful, quiet moments enjoying the awesome beauty of the Island, and each other. 

These women are strong women of Faith and being in their presence lifted me up and gave me strength to face the next few months of living in a new community (as we had moved from our home in PA of 14 years to Ohio in the late summer). I was bolstered by their friendship and love and our trip gave me the added confidence I needed to adjust to all the changes I still had to face as a new resident. It was so good to be in a place so full of beauty, love and friendship. 

The beach is one of my favorite places in the world! There is something so magical about the sounds of the waves crashing on shore, the breathtaking beauty of the expansive blue sky, the sounds of the little shore birds chasing the waves ("Peeps, as my family and I call them), the smell of the salt air. It's just the perfect place to find peace and rejuvenation.

While in Amelia Island, I came across the most lovely book. It is filled with the author's inspirational "Seaside Reflections" and gorgeous photography of the Island. It is definitely one of my favorites. I hope you will enjoy it. It is written by an Amelia Island resident by the name of Ann Marie Melson. The book is entitled, The Work of the Lord.  Amelia Island, by definition, means "The Work of the Lord." I would like to share an excerpt from the book for you. It is called, "His Calling."

     "The Lord said, 'Go out and stand on the mountain in
         the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass 
by.' Then a great and powerful wind tore the 
         mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the 
         Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind
         there was an earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the
         Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a
         gentle whisper..."
                           ~ 1 Kings 19:11-12

I have come to know the Lord to be subtle in His call. Similar 
to Elijah, I often wait for obvious signs. Shattered rocks and earthquakes
grab my attention. In fact, sometimes I am so busy waiting for a shout, that
I miss the gentle whisper. This morning I woke up with a sense of urgency.
The stillness of the dawn captured my attention. My time on the beach
inspired a rush of thoughts. Waiting for the sun to hit the horizon, I came to understand
a characteristic of the Lord: His gentleness.

Listen for the quiet call of the Lord. Sometimes His greatest
lessons and most poignant guidance come in the form of a whisper.
He has a calling for your life. Have you listened intently to discover it?
What noise distracts you from hearing His call?
To what are you listening? Do not limit
yourself to the powerful wind or the fierce fire.
Some grace-given assignments echo 
in the softness of a whisper.

Between the fading stars and dawning in the new day's light
A time of simple stillness calls me out of the lingering night.
Before the buzz of life, I'm rising, stirring from my bed,
Now wide awake and to the shore, the place my heart is led.
Quietly, I listen for the whisper that will teach.
Barefoot, I will open my heart, in silence stroll the beach.
While feet brush into shells, my soul is touched by His own hand --
A morning ordinary? No, but rather something grand.
The shoreline sweeps beyond the bend, traced by a single bird.
The scene before my eyes: an ocean speaks the Living Word.

Humbled by His beauty and the sea breeze gentle kiss,
My heart pours forth its joyful song and fills with graceful bliss.
Today stands here before me; I won't let this moment fall.
Tomorrow is uncertain; faith today must heed the call.
Lord, make me your song's instrument and show me where to play,
And like this morning, cover me with warmth of guiding ray.
I yearn for overwhelming sound, for evidence to show;
Your gentle whisper echoes all I'll ever need to know
Of promises and faithfulness. Your perfect record cries
That we can trust the gentle voice that takes us by surprise.

~ Ann Marie Melson

Have a day full of Looking UP! Open your heart to hear the Lord's  gentle whisper.

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