Nature's Little Gem

Nature's Little Gem

Sunday, January 23, 2022

The Printed Letter Bookshop by Katherine Reay is a cozy, sit by the fire drinking hot chocolate, kind of book that will have you pining for the idyllic charm and nostalgia of the quaint town of Winsome. Winsome is home to the lovely bookshop, The Printed Letter Bookshop and holds the hopes and legacy of its former owner, Maddie. When Maddie leaves the bookshop to her adored niece, Madeline, only time will tell how the magic and power of friendship, love, and books will transform her wounded heart, bringing out her strengths and gifts. Maddie’s joyful approach to life is felt in the shop and it is up to Madeline to keep the shop afloat. Along the way she becomes friends with her two employees, Claire and Janet, and helps them to embrace their independence and strength. The stories of the three friends are central to the book and I found myself cheering them on in all their endeavors and set-backs. Together they overcome a lot of odds and find that friendship is to be cherished and can elevate one from even the darkest of times. Themes of love, forgiveness, friendship, familial bonds, and a love of the power of the written word in books, make for a novel of lovely storytelling. I felt a closeness to the characters and could easily relate to their personalities and challenges. They became like friends to me and I felt sad when I had to say goodbye to them and the sweet town of Winsome. When you pick up this book be prepared to not want to put it down.

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