Nature's Little Gem

Nature's Little Gem

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Walking With Peety (Review)

This book has ALL the feels! An extraordinary story of triumph, overcoming adversity, perseverance, and love. Told with candor, straightforwardness and commitment, the author, Eric O'Grey grabs your heartstrings from the very first chapter and leaves you wanting more each time you close the book. I tend to gravitate toward uplifting, feel-good, feel-something books so when I saw the cover picture of Peety, the beautiful dog, and hero of the story, I knew I had to read it. Peety's adorable little face melted my heart even before I knew anything about his and Eric's journey together. Eric credits the love of Peety as "saving his life" in more ways than one. They saved each other, actually, as their journey began when Eric adopts Peety from a shelter. Both of them were in desperate need of unconditional love, companionship, and the will to get moving and get healthy. Both Peety and Eric were extremely unhealthy and overweight. Eric's health was dire and he knew he had to change his life or he would die. So began their daily walks. Starting out barely being able to make it down the street and back, Eric and Peety consistently walked, which led to running, which led to marathons, which led to unbelievable adventures and eventually getting into the best shape of their lives. Eric switched to a plant based diet, and did the same for Peety, too. Good nutrition, exercise and a new found hope turned their lives around. Was this an awesome feel good book? Check! Was the story of Peety and Eric one that I will never forget? Check! Do I want to do more to support my love of animals? Check! Did reading their story inspire me to think differently? Check! Would I recommend you read this book? 100% YES! Be sure to check out Eric & Peety, A Mutual Rescue Film on YouTube.

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