Nature's Little Gem

Nature's Little Gem

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Sunny Stays at the Shetland Hotel by Erin Green (Review)

Returning to Shetland in this delightful, fun, and uplifting story is something to savor! Sunny Stays at the Shetland Hotel from Erin Green’s Shetland with Love series, is full of hometown charm, characters who make you fall in love with them, and a storyline full of the challenges of life, love and friendship. It is an endearing look at how friendship can change a person’s life and how unconditional love can set one on unexpected and meaningful paths. Erin writes with insight, and depth, her words bursting with uplifting and affirming messages about family, friendship and the power of forgiveness, purpose and belonging. This is the third book in the series, the second one I can’t wait to read but it doesn’t get released in the US until October. I’ll have it just in time for the holiday season, as the title From Shetland, With Love at Christmas will be just what I need to settle into the spirit of Christmas. In Sunny Stays at the Shetland Hotel, Erin takes us on the continued story of Lerwick Manor and the lovely people who run the new hotel. With a host of fun, quirky, loveable (well most of the time) characters, the story revolves around the running of the Manor and the men and women who can’t seem to keep themselves out of one adventure after the other: Pippa, Autumn, Dottie, Natalia, Ned, Levi, Mungo, and Jemima. Even Floss, the Shetland Collie, is part of the adventures. I adore books that make you feel good. Erin’s books remind me of how important it is to have family and friends who see you for who you are, flaws and all, and who love you through it all. Thank you, Erin, for another enjoyable escape away into the magic and peace of the Shetlands and into the lives of the special people in your story.

Remarkably Bright Creatures (Review)

I am smitten with a giant Pacific Octopus! I mean head over heels for the lovable invertebrate sea creature named Marcellus. Shelby Van Pelt has captured my heart with her beautiful book and the remarkable story she tells of Tova Sullivan and her growing relationship with a rescued octopus who lives at the aquarium. Shelby's story will long remain a favorite book of mine and I can't wait for you to read it. It is the author's debut novel and was part of #ReadWithJenna. In it you meet a wonderful cast of characters - Tova, strong, affable, smart and retirement age who is faced with the challenges of aging and how to reconcile a past with a hopeful future; Cameron, the likable young man who is on a journey to find himself; Ethan, the neighborhood friend and all around good guy; Aunt Jeanne, the woman who raised Cameron with a heart of gold; and Avery, shop owner and new love interest for Cameron; and my favorite character, Marcellus, the Pacific Octopus who deftly helps solve a decades long mystery with his intelligence and penchant for escaping his tank. This novel is a definite 5 Star Read. I absolutely loved every minute I was immersed with the book open and my imagination soaring over the creatively told story. Interesting facts about Octopuses from the Library of Congress; Published: 11/19/2019: The octopus has eight arms, three hearts, blue blood, and suckers which can taste and grab. The octopus’s ability to use its suckers to taste and grab demonstrates both consciousness and subjective behavior. The octopus is known to push the lids off tanks and subsequently walk throughout a lab. An octopus is capable of unscrewing a lid from a jar. They can solve puzzles, undo locks They seem to enjoy playing with toys as they engage in play behavior and they are capable of solving simple mazes with frequency. In both laboratory and ocean settings, the octopus is known to recognize faces. They are capable of facial recognition, and develop learned, memory responses to stimuli and their environment. Because it does not have a backbone, the octopus can maneuver in and out of very small spaces, often within an area comparable to the size of a human eye. When observed in its natural habitat, the octopus can be seen both walking and running. It is capable of propelling itself at speeds of up to 25 mph.

Walking With Peety (Review)

This book has ALL the feels! An extraordinary story of triumph, overcoming adversity, perseverance, and love. Told with candor, straightforwardness and commitment, the author, Eric O'Grey grabs your heartstrings from the very first chapter and leaves you wanting more each time you close the book. I tend to gravitate toward uplifting, feel-good, feel-something books so when I saw the cover picture of Peety, the beautiful dog, and hero of the story, I knew I had to read it. Peety's adorable little face melted my heart even before I knew anything about his and Eric's journey together. Eric credits the love of Peety as "saving his life" in more ways than one. They saved each other, actually, as their journey began when Eric adopts Peety from a shelter. Both of them were in desperate need of unconditional love, companionship, and the will to get moving and get healthy. Both Peety and Eric were extremely unhealthy and overweight. Eric's health was dire and he knew he had to change his life or he would die. So began their daily walks. Starting out barely being able to make it down the street and back, Eric and Peety consistently walked, which led to running, which led to marathons, which led to unbelievable adventures and eventually getting into the best shape of their lives. Eric switched to a plant based diet, and did the same for Peety, too. Good nutrition, exercise and a new found hope turned their lives around. Was this an awesome feel good book? Check! Was the story of Peety and Eric one that I will never forget? Check! Do I want to do more to support my love of animals? Check! Did reading their story inspire me to think differently? Check! Would I recommend you read this book? 100% YES! Be sure to check out Eric & Peety, A Mutual Rescue Film on YouTube.

Part of My World, What I've Learned from The Little Mermaid About Love, Faith, and Finding My Voice (Review)

From the very first page, I was captivated by Jodi Benson's, Part of My World, What I've Learned from The Little Mermaid About Love, Faith, and Finding My Voice. I listened to the Audio Book with Jodi narrating her beautiful story. Jodi's iconic voice with its lilting, seemingly melodic, and recognizable sound was completely mesmerizing in a way that drew me in and invited me in to some pretty amazing stories of her life, anecdotes of her long standing and illustrious career as a Tony Award Winning actress on Broadway to becoming the voice of Disney's most beloved princesses, Ariel. Jodi shares with a beguiling openness that is full of candor, hope, reflection, and positivity. She shares, not only her successes, but her trials, hardships, and sorrows, as well, in a way that is gripping, sometimes surprising, and at times, heartbreaking. Her storytelling is magical, and her prose is beautifully written. Getting a bird's eye view into how the character of Ariel came to be, and how it changed Jodi's life in a whirlwind of ups and downs was thoroughly entrancing. Jodi has an amazing career in broadway, theater, movies, television, voice over work, and she is the recipient of many awards and credits to her success as an actress, singer, recording artist, and performer. Jodi Benson's memoir is spectacular. She gives you a sense of wonder, hope. What resonated with me the most about this beautiful book is how Jodi shares how she seeks to keep her faith her priority and how she uses her career to love people well, being "Light and Salt" as Jodi says, and to live her life in the pursuit of honoring God's purpose for her as a woman, wife, mother, friend and famed artist. Lose yourself in this beautiful memoir. You will be uplifted and Jodi's story will stay with you long after you turn the last page. (Or in my case, she concludes the last chapter with her effervescent, bubbly, voice on the audio. I'm going to miss listening to her soothing voice and her sweet, Jodi Benson giggle, but I know without a doubt that this book will find a place on my bookshelf as an all-time favorite!)

Beyond the Wand by Tom Felton (Review)

Wizard or ordinary Muggle? Being a long time super fan of the Harry Potter books and movies, I couldn't resist listening to the audio production of Tom Felton's new book, Beyond the Wand and learning more of the actor's life behind the iconic role he played in the infamous Harry Potter films. Having been part of the magical world of Harry Potter for a decade, Tom's book shares an intimate look at his life growing up as Draco Malfoy and the ups and downs of his acting career. He talks with a genuine openness and candor that is poignant, insightful and heartfelt. I can't give away any spoilers, but I loved hearing about his "Three Kings" experience and how he has overcome and triumphed through bouts of depression, substance abuse, and a floundering sense of finding who he truly is. (I know you're intrigued now to find out more about the three kings!) Tom has found that living with gratitude and giving back is what can truly turn your life around. He shares the successes and the pitfalls of living with mental health challenges and is encouraging and supportive of anyone who is experiencing similar feelings. He wants the reader and fans to know they are NOT alone and that it is OKAY to experience mental health issues, crushing any sense of stigma or shame. His words are uplifting and he seeks to be a beacon of light in a world that can often feel overwhelming and despondent. Tom's book is an exceptional read and a book I will definitely be adding to my favorites list. Five Wands held high for Tom's book! If you are experiencing signs of depression, seek help. Talk to someone and share your feelings and thoughts. Mental health is important. Take care of yourself - body, soul and mind. There is help and support available.

The Lighthouse Keeper's Daughter (Review)

What is "home" ? Is it a word confined to four walls or something far greater and of more importance than breath itself? Is home where your spirit, the essence of who you are, who you were, and who you will become, becomes the place that your destiny and calling radiate every fiber of your being? These are the thoughts that linger on my mind after finishing this book. Wait until you get to the epilogue! Oh my! The lyrical, breathtaking words that the author uses have etched themselves into my heart and mind. The breadth and depth of this story is exquisitely brought to life by author Hazel Gaynor. It is a story that will long remain in my heart. Performed on audio so beautifully by Imogen Church, I am left breathless with a wave of emotions from deep sadness to ones of hope and faith in the tenants of familial bonds, love, redemption, fortitude, bravery, friendship, and the true meaning of home. Imogen Church has a mesmerizing, lilting voice that captures the characters with such imagination and spellbinding story telling. Home for the two main characters, Grace Darling, from 1838, and Matilda Emmerson, from 1938, is the Lighthouse in which they live. It's their place of sanctuary, both physically and metaphorically and that sanctuary is extended to countless survivors of shipwrecks and other tragedies set forth by the powerful and mighty sea. The heroines in the book were inspired by true events and the extraordinary women who dedicated their lives to being Lighthouse Keepers. Their love for the sea is woven into the very fibers of who they are. The lighthouse is their home, but more importantly, their calling and purpose is to be the keepers of light and that is the fabric of their lives, knitting them together in a timeless circle of fierce bravery and dedication. This is definitely a five star triumph!

The Librarian Spy by Madeline Martin (Review)

The Librarian Spy by Madeline Martin is a magnificent triumph of a book! With themes of resilience, courage, bravery and passion, the author has intricately woven together the stories of two strong women, Ava and Elaine, and the circle of comrades, friends, and family who bring their stories to life. Ava is a librarian at the Library of Congress and finds herself on an unexpected journey to Lisbon where she poses as a librarian while secretly gathering intel to take down the Nazis during WWII. Little does she know that she will hold the lives of a Jewish mother and her young son in her hands as she seeks to help rescue them and reunite them with their family in America. Ava skirts around danger from all sides, as she fights to see justice and freedom become a reality for this young family. Elaine’s story is one of exceptional bravery, fortitude, and redemption, as she fights with the Resistance to print newsprint outing the atrocities happening at the hands of the Nazis. She and her team of clandestine printing press operators, sacrifice and work tirelessly for the French people against their oppressors, the Nazis. Their losses are immense, yet they find the courage to continue their mission. Ava and Elaine become intrinsically connected through the rescue of Sarah and her little boy. The world is really rather small, as the saying goes, and it turns out that through their shared passion for helping war-torn families, they find that they both play an integral part in the future of Sarah and her son. Madeline Martin’s writing is superbly researched and beautifully written. You are drawn into the lives of these brave characters with their sorrows, along with their triumphs, and they become your own. The story is at times heart wrenching yet hopeful and it speaks to humanities’ incredible ability to heal when love, friendship and family are at the forefront. Love does conquer hatred. Good does conquer evil. Justice overcomes injustice. Pain can be healed and joy can be ever present through it all.